Subset of the UKB relatedness dataframe with data
ukb_gen_related_with_data(data, ukb_with_data, cutoff = 0.0884)
The UKB relatedness data as a dataframe (header: ID1, ID2, HetHet, IBS0, Kinship)
A character vector of ukb eids with data on the phenotype of interest
KING kingship coefficient cutoff (default 0.0884 includes pairs with greater than 3rd-degree relatedness). KING kinship coefficient: >0.354 duplicate/MZ twin, [0.177, 0.354] 1st-degree, [0.0884, 0.177] 2nd-degree, [0.0442, 0.0884] 3rd-degree.
A dataframe (header: ID1, ID2, HetHet, IBS0, Kinship) for the subset of individuals with data.